What is our Preschool?

Here at honeybee we understand that a well-educated team ensures high quality learning outcomes for all children. With this in mind all our educators are university trained or diploma trained (or working towards).Each educator has unique strengths, interests and knowledge base, and these combined pedagogies allow us to build a strong curriculum that meets the needs and interests of all our children. Ongoing professional development and reflection ensures the team stays abreast with current brain research, research into pedagogical thinking and changes and progression in the field of early childhood education.
Our Team
Melissa Thompson | Fullt ime teacher and owner | Bachelor of teaching (early Childhood). Graduate certificate Autism studies Masters in Early childhood education Grad cert in STEM education |
Vanessa Barnes | Part time Teacher | Diploma in Community Services Children’s Service |
Nicole Holt | part time educator | Diploma in Community Services Children’s Service |
Cybian Watson | part time educator | working towardsDiploma in Community Services Children’s Service |
Mark Rumford and Emma Spencer | teachers | bachelor in teaching |
Charli Sobb | Full time trainee | Trainee (Certificate 111 in Community Services Children’s Services) |
Interesting Info
Our programme is structured to promote children’s agency. We offer an indoor outdoor program for the majority of the day, where children are encouraged to engage in play naturally. Through play we are exploring our natural environment and are currently creating habitats to attract and nurture native bees.
Why choose us
We provide a high quality early childhood education for all children aged 2-6 years.
Our environment is full of natural and reusable materials that provoke creative and critical thinking skills.
Our highly skilled team is passionate about delivering a quality early childhood education that provides the foundations for life long learning.